Fixed Gear, Fixed Wheel, Fixie, Track Bike, Tarck Bike, Bici da Pista, Pisuto, Pisto, Velo de Piste, Pignon Fixé. No matter what you call it, if the drivetrain is fixed & there's only one gear - we love to ride it like we stole it.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Far East Smokin' Skidderz PROMO3 (REDUX???)
How come I think I already saw this ages ago and even posted it here...? Anyhow, props for the wacky name and good to see that not everyone in Japan is doing some super-tricktracky flatland 700cmx stuff all the time.
The Revival & Helsinki Fixed Night
So, The Revival screening and the party afterwards at We Got Beef was much fun last night. Thanks to everyone who was there or who was otherwise involved!
Pics by tnts once again.
(Also, note the first public sighting of the KRNKY cycling accessories, more to follow...)
Chrome Kinfolk
Super nice clean & classic build of an all-chromed Kinfolk. All of the Kinfolk frames built by Kusaka-san just look so good.
Pic from here.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
JAN 2009 Recoup
End of year review NzNz from NZNZman on Vimeo.
Gran Royale // The Lurker
Meet Burt Benson from Gran Royale on Vimeo.
I'm digging and then again I'm NOT really digging this video. Everything there including the name of the brand is bit too much of a lame rip-off (or is it rather a homage?) from the Beastie Boys and their Grand Royal magazine circa 1995. In fact maybe I need to dig up my Grand Royal collection from the basement archive now and read them all over again.Shanghai!
Considered Getting Into Cyclocross?
This has been posted everywhere already ages ago but it is kind of on the point and funny so here we go.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Street Justice in Wenzhou, China
"Two thieves on a motor-scooter flew by and snatched a womans purse on a street in Wenzhou, China. Surveillance video shows a man riding a bicycle. As he was passing by the front of a hotel near where the thievery happened, he stopped, calmly got off his bicycle, picked it up, and then threw it at the thieves. The bicycle hit them, they lost control, and crashed to the ground."
via Prolly.
Bunch of Videos from Past Days
Blinking Yellow from Armand Kohandani on Vimeo.
Mårten & Jakob from Boonphotography on Vimeo.
Turning Tricks - Episode 19 - Dirty Tricks Ride from KrEEEstowfUr on Vimeo.
K@nta Claus from k@nt! on Vimeo.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Happy Holidays!
...yeah, it's me riding on the clip. Signing off now.
Monday, December 21, 2009
The Revival Screening // Helsinki Fixed Night at We Got Beef 29.12.2009

* * * THE REVIVAL & Helsinki Fixed Night * * *
Tuesday 29.12.2009, starting at 21.00
We Got Beef, Iso-Roobertinkatu 21, Punavuori Helsinki
Free Entry!
THE REVIVAL from morehartfilms on Vimeo.
Laila by Ray Tracing // Dark Days
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Snow here, snow everywhere...
GOrilla Kilroy
KILROY from Gorilla Bicycles on Vimeo.
"After slamming and breaking our prototypes in public and in front of cameras, we finally started production of the Kilroy frame. The tests that Wonka ran lead to the conclusion that we had to manufacture a tube set just for this frame, with particular reinforced parts to absorb and handle the stress of the jumps. Together with Columbus we decided to change the alloy in order to avoid very thick and heavy tubes and gain in strength nevertheless. We are proud to present the first freestyle frame in Niobium steel. The Columbus Niobium steel is a special micro alloyed steel with Manganese, Chrome, Nickel, Molybdenum and Niobium that is designed to provide superior mechanical propertiesWe went to Italy for the launch of the production and invited Wonka to join us and get involved into the process of creation. Thanks to Renaud Skyronka for filming this monumental happening."
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Jordan Hufnagel by Level Magazine
"A film for Level magazine / by Jared Souney as seen previously on
Craftsmen are a different breed. They are meticulous, working hours on end in solidarity, repeating simple processes over and over in search of perfection. They are a patient people.
Jordan Hufnagel is a custom bike builder from Portland, Oregon, one of Americas most bicycle-friendly cities. Hufnagel Cycles, hand built by Jordan, are known for their clean lines. Building everything from Track bikes to Road bikes to Cyclocross bikes, Jordans creations are increasing in demand around the globe.
Countless hours of brazing, sanding and polishing materialize into some amazing works of art.
A slideshow of Jared's photos of Hufnagel can be seen here:"
My Gazelle Champion Mondial

I haven't bothered posting pics of my own bikes for a long time but here we go since my new project is ready:
A mid-1970s Dutch Gazelle Champion Mondial Baanfiets (=dutch for a track bike) built up with more or less random parts mostly left over from a Vivalo I sold a while ago. Lugged Reynolds 531 tubing all the way with extremely tight wheel clearances front and rear. And with a ridiculously steep steering angle, which of course equals fun riding on the city streets. The frame is super beat-up but still kinda beautiful, maybe exactly because of that.
'Fantastic Fixed Gear Calculator!'

There's tons of different types of gearing calculators out there, some good, some maybe less so.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Vintage Style
Yeah, you've probably seen the pic before but I just had to post it. The vibe is so cool and relaxed. Classic style!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Guadalajara Bike Polo
fixi3 polo en guadalajara from e2pora on Vimeo.
Mexico represeting on the hardcourt. Ay caramba! (I just had to say it...)
Volume Thrasher

First pic of the new Thrasher, which is of course a dedicated trick/freestyle frame from Volume Bikes. But will the Thrasher replace the Cutter or what, I've no idea.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
'NYC Messenger Style'
Vancouver // Bridge Battle
Meanwhile in Sweden... trackstand, footdown and Macaframa premier. from Boon on Vimeo.
Our neighbors. Hej killar!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Coolrain Fixie Hipster Figures
Not for me thanks, but someone might dig these, I guess.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
BLB Straight Chrome 1" Forks
New BLB 1" forks, chromed lugged steel, straight blade design and threaded. Looks quite nice and even the price is somewhat reasonable. No info on the rake though, and it's drilled for a brake, if that makes any difference.
Nice video. I'd put this in the 'Hipster Track Cycling' category but hey! it reminds me so much of us here on our local velodrome last summer.
Via Kinky Life Vol.2.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Another Old School Bianchi Pista

There's an interesting older Bianchi track bike on our Finnish online auction site.
Friday, December 11, 2009
"We are Flat Fix"
flat fix -2009- from jun iwai on Vimeo.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
WBASE X Stussy Collabo Lock & Tee
Maas Van Beek // Hour Record on BIG Gear
"Maas van Beek broke the hour record behind a derny on Monday in Moscow. The Dutchman reached 66.443 kilometers behind pacemaker Wilco van der Hoorn. The previous record holder was Matthé Pronk with 66.017 kilometers.
Van Beek was pushing an enormous gear of 70x13 during the hour, according to De Telegraaf. He started out with an average of 67km/h and reached the 50-kilometer mark with an average of 66.717 km/h."!
But WTF? No seat, no disc or other aero wheels and no mitts?
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Brooks Limited Ed. 2009
Rossin Ghibli Pursuit One More Time
Having ridden Olli's new bike a little bit tonight, I'm just saying aaaaaw shit! It's HOT!

(Pic below by Tuhto.)
Pristine Shop Amsterdam Opening
Hmmm, it's been a while since I've been to A-dam. But if I went there, I'd probably forget about going to bike shops and rather entertain myself by doing something completely different...