Fixed Gear, Fixed Wheel, Fixie, Track Bike, Tarck Bike, Bici da Pista, Pisuto, Pisto, Velo de Piste, Pignon Fixé. No matter what you call it, if the drivetrain is fixed & there's only one gear - we love to ride it like we stole it.
Souplesse Trailer 1 from Andy Nguyen on Vimeo.
SUMMER IN SEATTLE from chris clappe on Vimeo.
kovic Movie Free & Easy from jun iwai on Vimeo.
Fixed Gear Moscow from Alex Goncharenko on Vimeo.
SHIBA FRIDAY 7.17 from Fixy Life on Vimeo.
Van Homan Will Save Us.. from james cox on Vimeo.
Yksivaihde.net Hesa Cup Triathlon from Eki on Vimeo.
The Epic final battle of the Yksivaihde.net Helsinki Cup. A Surpise Triahtlon race to finish off the series of eight fixed gear contests and races.Gorilla in Paris from Gorilla Bicycles on Vimeo.
Anima D'Acciaio Trailer Ver5.1 from Cinecycle on Vimeo.