I'm happy to announce that the FG 'scene' here in Helsinki has taken a big step forward recently. Or, someone could also argued that now it's completely destroyed. That's not my opinion, though.
Anyhow, in addition to the new shop opening soon, last week Eki & Toni opened a new site with a blog, flickrgroup and most importantly a discussion forum dedicated to fixed and single speed bikes and all that: http://www.yksivaihde.net/.
In a way Yksivaihde.net (as in 'OneGear' in english) takes its place besides the older Helsinki Messenger Association forum BC-Hellsinki, and basically the 'messengers' got rid us 'hipsters' and 'n00bies' and we got rid of the oh-so edgy messengers & cyclocross/MTB hard-guys, all in good spirits. Everyone won, basically. BC-Hellsinki people keep on organizing AlleyCats, Bike Polo and other stuff but they want to keep their activities bit more off-the-radar and low-key which is cool.
The new forum's been pretty active from the day one and the most concrete proof of things happening was the first Wednesday Skill/Tricks Session (pictured above with yours truly in the pic too, looks bit ridiculous, yes. Thanks to Pistaboy Jii for the photos) by the Swimming Stadium. The idea is that the Wed Session will happen every week but with location changing between couple of spots. Everyone's welcome to join, of course. Yesterday's first session was nice, we did some trackstands, tried to learn to do backward circles, drank some beers and it was good to meet all the new people. Thanks to everyone involved so far.
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