Friday, October 9, 2009

10-9 Messenger Appreciation Day

Today is, again, once a year, time to sit back and think for a moment why is it that you're riding that fixie bike of yours? Who to thank (or who to blame) for this lovely thing?

Is it because Hypebeast told you that Kanye West rides a fixie? Or because you saw some cool kid riding a nice stripped down yet colorful bike to your favorite coffee shop or dive bar and you had to get one too? Maybe so, but I sure hope not.

Because the real reason we are riding bikes with a fixed cog on the rear wheel is that some dudes way back when in NYC started riding track bikes on the streets when they were working as bike messengers. Simple as that.

You may try to deny this and argue about lot of different things here, like the Tour de France hundred years ago, track cycling, roadie winter training, Sheldon Brown and blah blah but that's just bullshit anyway. And if you keep on insisting, you know there's always some gnarly dude there who's a real strong rider and used to 'mess back in the 90s who will soon kick your weak ass unless you shut up.

So let's pay respect to where the respect is due.

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