A new single speed & fixed gear specialist bike shop 'Kumiluoti' opens in Kallio, 'a gentrifying former working class uptown district' of Helsinki next week. Nice surprise here as I hadn't even heard of this before. I've no idea about who is behind this or what will be in their selection but it the shop is located very near where I live which is cool. If this is the spot I am suspecting it is, there used to be briefly a MTB/BMX shop Hi5Bikes before this.
EDIT. No, it's actually not that spot. This is a space where used to be (is?) a tattoo parlour or something like that.
But oh yeah, 'Kumiluoti'? It's Rubber Bullet in english, another Finnish lesson here for all of you out there.
There's actually a real concentration of bike shops in Kallio now within couple of blocks radius, there's Cycle Centre which I consider as my LBS, Kallio Pyörä, and a bigger chainstore name of which I cannot recall right now.
I'll probably go the opening to check the new place out, get some photos AND some free juice (without the Gin?) and biscuits they are promising to offer on opening date.
* * * EDIT 2. * * *
I need to add that there are already other bike shops in Helsinki carrying FG/SS parts and which have the expertise and have supported the scene for a long time, these being maybe the best examples, although they're located not-so-centrally unfortunately:
For hard-to-find parts: http://www.pyoratohtori.fi/
For knowledge and service: http://www.pyorahuolto.com/
For 29er/XC/SS MTB stuff: http://www.tikkurilanajomies.fi/
For real track stuff: http://www.horscategorie.com
So if you're visiting Helsinki and want to check out the bike shops, all of these places, including the Kumiluoti shop, are very much recommended.
Since I've noticed that lot of people are reading this and Googling up info on Kumiluoti, I need to add that there's a rumour going around that they are getting 'a shipment of NOS parts and stuff from Germany...' before the opening, whatever that will mean.
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